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18 Crazy Tips On How To Make Her Miss You

Tell me that why you want to make her miss you? What is the main reason behind it?

If you are doing this in order to not being taken for granted, then this is exactly what needs to be done. When she’ll miss you, then whenever you will be around, you will receive more attention and it will also make a positive impact on your relationship.

So, if you are a person who is looking to have such a relationship life in which you are not taken for granted and you want your love of life to miss you and give you enough attention, then this article is definitely for you.

Photo credit: dufnet.com

As in this specific article, we will account for some of the tips that you need to follow and these certain tips will actually make your girl miss you so much.

Furthermore, in the article, we will also take a look at some of the ways through which we can make a woman fall in love and so on.

Therefore, this article will help you in making your relationship life much better, effective and happier. You just have to follow these tips for having a fulfilling relationship.

🔱 Here are the 18 Crazy Tips On How To Make Her Miss You 🔱

Photo credit: bunchofwisdom.com

So, the following are some of the tips that will guide you on how to make women miss you and make you an attractive man in their eyes.

1. Fun time

Photo credit: dufnet.com

If you want to make your girl miss you, then coming straight to the point, you have to be a fun person and spend some quality time with her.

Here, I am not talking about spending some quantity of time, rather what I am saying is that you have to spend some quality time, some quality moments that she will remember in your absence.

You not only have to be available physically, but mental presence is also mandatory and essential. Spend time with her that she’ll remember when you won’t be around.

In this way, she will miss you and keep thinking about you when you won’t be around her and it will drive her crazy.

2. Attention

Attention is definitely a very important factor in this regard. Spending time is not the only thing that you need to do, rather giving her due attention in that time span is exactly what needs to be done.

What you actually have to do is to surprise her with the amount of attention, care, and love that you give him.

In return, I can assure you that it will make her miss you so much.

3. Don’t be too clingy

Photo credit: lovedevani.com

Well, this may definitely seem to be a bit odd but this is a fact that you should definitely follow.

What this actually means is that you don’t have to keep checking on her the entire day. She also has her own life and so do you.

You have to give her some space and time. Now, if you are wondering that how will this benefit you, then basically when you will provide her some space, then she’ll definitely come to think about you, your time, your company, your presence and will definitely miss you.

4. Go out and live your own life

This tip may also sound a bit odd but again, this is a very crucial one. When you come to think of it, how was your life before entering that relationship? Didn’t you have friends and family?

Think about this aspect and live your life as well. What I am trying to tell you is that you don’t have to lose yourself in a relationship. Be you and live your life as well.

You should do stuff with your friends, family and so on. The more you will be without her, the more she is going to miss you.

5. Remain mysterious

If you observe most of the people, then what they actually do in the beginning of a relationship is that they tell her everything about themselves. This is in my opinion a big mistake.

You are not bound to tell her everything on the first date. Because if on the first date you’ll tell her everything, then she won’t remain kind of interested in you.

So, the thing that you have to do is to remain mysterious and make her find more about you. By doing this, she will actually want to stick more with you and find out more about you and consequently, she’ll miss you.

6. Maintain strong behavior

Photo credit: bunchofwisdom.com

Most women like that kind of man who has strong behavior. Basically, an emotional rollercoaster or a relationship is all about power dynamics.

Further, when you will maintain strong and a confident behavior, then she will have to realize that in order to be with you, she’ll definitely have to do more. It will ultimately make her miss you so much and think about you.

7. Become better

If you want a woman to miss you, then your top most priority should be to become better. Most guys forget this thing and make things worse. Definitely, paying attention to yourself is what is needed here.

Therefore, I can assure you that if you will pay attention and focus on yourself, then she will start missing you and would give you much appreciation and value.

It is also possible that by doing so, you will be able to change your perception of yourself in her mind and she will become more attracted towards you.

8. Don’t respond back immediately

Photo credit: bonobology.com

Well, I definitely didn’t make a mistake here. When I said that don’t respond back immediately, then this is what I mean. You don’t have to be like a person who has nothing to do.

As we have already discussed that the thing that you need to do is to be a bit mysterious. But the fact here is that when you won’t respond back immediately, then it will make her think about you.

She will think about you, what you are doing? or what are you up to?

By all of this, she’ll start thinking more and more about you and this will really make her miss you.

9. Trust

If you want your girlfriend to miss you, then you actually have to provide her with a suitable environment for a relationship.

What I mean by this is that you have to be the more reliable and trustworthy type of person in the relationship.

So, in other words, what you have to do is to be a trustworthy individual whom you can trust completely and can rely upon.

This will surely prove to be a big deal and at the same time, she’ll miss you more.

10. Treat her well

Photo credit: selfhelpskills.net

Have you ever wondered why being nice guys attract women?

Well, you can probably consider it to be a part of mind games. What actually happens is that in order to make a girl miss you, all you have to do is to be the Mr. good guy and treat her well.

This will initiate romantic interests in her and she will feel like she is special to you. The good news is that once she gets this feeling, she will always miss you whenever you are not near her.

So, if you want her to miss you, then you should never take her for granted, rather you have to make efforts and show her that how much she matters to you.

11. Give her space

Photo credit: selfhelpskills.net

Everyone requires space in their life to deal with certain things. If you want to make your girl miss you, then the thing that you can do is to provide her with some free space that they need.

The thing here is that you need to give her some space so that she can breathe. She should not feel like whenever you are around her, it appears to them that someone is supervising them. Instead, give her some space and time so that she can think about you calmly, and ultimately, this will make her miss you so much.

12. Give surprises

If we account for a healthy relationship, then it includes all of those things that make difference.

If you are an individual who wants that her woman should miss him, then try filling their lie with surprises. Sounds odd, but this is an essential thing that you can do in order to make your woman miss you.

Surprises are the things that can fill life and joy in a relationship. Furthermore, there are also different methods through which you can give surprises to someone. All that matters here is that you make some amazing and memorable moments by giving certain surprises and as a consequence, your woman will miss you based on these types of memories.

Hence, by surprise, you can also make a woman miss you.

13. Make her remember you

Photo credit: thoughtcatalog.com

Have you ever wondered that why does someone misses you? or when does someone miss you?

Well, the answer is probably when they remember you, they will miss you. Quiet right! So, the thing that you have to do in your relationship is that you have to make your love of life remember you.

So, anything that you can do so that she will remember you will eventually lead her to miss you so much.

Further, it will be very much beneficial in terms of a long-distance relationship. Because when you will be away from your woman, then she will definitely remember these types of memories and will miss you even more.

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14. Don’t track her

Photo credit: dufnet.net

If you want that your girl should miss you, then what you should do is that you don’t have to track her.

Now, this may sound a bit odd but the fact is that you should not make her feel that you are stalking up on her or are continuously keeping track of her. In this way, she will get some space and time that she needs and she will begin missing you.

This is no doubt one of the most important tips in this regard that you can use in order to make a woman miss you. If you remain attached to her continuously, then she won’t be able to miss you the way she would have when you are not with her.

So, what you have to do is not to keep a track of her as it will enable her to get some space to breathe freely and will eventually make her realize that how important you are to him and she will definitely miss you.

15. Don’t be desperate

One of the most important things that you need to remember in a relationship is that you don’t have to be desperate and needy. If you will make a woman realize that you want her desperately and you are being clingy, then the relationship won’t be that effective.

The thing that you have to keep in mind here is that you need to take things slowly. You do not have to rush for things to happen.

If you are being too much clingy and desperate, then the only thing that it will do is to create more distances in your relationship. Therefore, by not being desperate, you can make a woman fall in your love and you can make her miss you.

Henceforth, these are some of the tips that you need to keep in mind, and further, all of the above-mentioned tips are very important if you want that a girl misses you. Just follow these tips and wait for being missed. That’s all.

16.Avoid giving details


This is also a very useful tip that can help yo in order to make her miss you so much. According to this point of view, you should prevent giving her every detail about your life.

You can think of it as that she doesn’t need to know each and every little detail that is regarding to you. Once she knows everything about you, then there will be no such reason or thing for her that will force her to miss you.

17.Don’t be around too much


This is also a very useful tip and similar to the one that we have mentioned earlier. According to this aspect, what you need to do is to avoid being around her for a longer time period.

I am not referring you to just vanish in the air, but what I am conveying is that you need to give her some spare time and space so that in that spare time that she has, she can think about you in your absence.

Such thoughts about you in your absence would be very powerful ones and they will make her really miss you.

Therefore, you should avoid being around her too much.

18. Avoid too much technological contact

Wondering what is being implied by the term technological contact?

It simply means that avoid making too much contact with her through technology, such as through phone calls, texts and social media.

This avoiding of contact in such a way will prove to be very useful and she will really miss you because by doing so, she will get some personal space and time. And further, she will utilize this time so that she can think about you and ultimately, it will make her miss you so much.

Henceforth, these are some of the tips that you need to keep in mind, and further, all of the above-mentioned tips are very important if you want that a girl misses you. Just follow these tips and wait for being missed. That’s all.

📱 Best missing-you text examples 📱

When you miss someone, you probably call them or text them because at that moment you are thinking about that one person. Well, definitely there is nothing wrong with this, rather it leads towards the development of a much stronger and firm relationship.

But you usually won’t just write “Hi! I miss you…” and that’s all.

You will probably send a text that will initiate a romantic interest in the other person. So, the following are some of the best missing-you text messages samples for you.

1. All I need is you…

Photo credit: selfhelpskills.net

“All I need is you, right here.” This is indeed a very simple yet much thought-provoking missing text that you can end to someone.

This message is an entire world in itself. It tells the other person that how much you are missing him and how much you are in their need and that you are nothing without that person.

So, this is surely a simple yet amazing one.

2. I suffocate without you

“When we are far apart, I can not breathe. I suffocate without you.”

This is also a very impressive text that you can send to someone whom you are missing.

This is a text that describes that how much someone means to you and is how much important for you.

3. A piece of my heart is missing you

Photo credit: enamoree.com

“A piece of my heart is always missing you when you are not around me.”

Again, this is a very delightful text that comes into the category of missing texts. You can surely send this specific text to your girlfriend and let her know that how much she means to you and how much are you missing her.

4. I can’t stop thinking about you

Photo credit: enamoree.com

Again, a very simple yet amazing missing text “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

It will tell your lover that how much you think about him and how important your lover is to you. It will emphasize that you really love her a lot and keep thinking about her.

5. Without you, my world stands still

“When you are not with me, my world stands still and I keep thinking about you.”

This missing text is also a remarkable example as it tells your lover that for you, that person is the whole world. Without her, you feel lonely and you keep thinking about her.

Photo credit: lovedevani.com

Hence, all of these are examples of the missing texts that you can send to someone whom you really love. This kind of text when sent to someone with whom you are deep into love indicates that for you they are everything and you are really missing them.

💌 Sweet words to tell a woman to make her fall in love 💌

Making someone fall in love can be considered to be a difficult thing, but believe me that with a positive approach and the selection of specific behavior, you can easily make a woman fall in love with you.

So, right here, we will take a look at some of the sweet words that you can say to your woman and by doing so, you can make her fall in love with you.

Hence, with the correct use of heartfelt words, you can make a woman yours completely.

1. On your mind

Have you ever thought or wondered that what makes a woman happy?

Have you ever told your woman that since you have met them, they have been in your mind? Since that day, they have acquired a place in your mind.

Have you tried telling them that “You have been on my mind since that day…”

If you have not done this, then you definitely are in a need to do so. You have to tell her that how much she matters to you.

Therefore, if you will tell her the importance that she has in your life by making use of some of the sweet words, then believe me that she will easily fall in love with you.

2. You are my happiness

Have you ever tried to tell your woman that she is your happiness?

If not, then believe me that your relationship is not on a specific level. If you want a woman to make a woman fall in love with you, then why don’t you try by telling her that she is your life, that she is your happiness.

Actually, telling someone some sweet words can definitely change their behavior and their attitude towards you. You can tell a woman that how she is the happiness of your world. You can make her realize that your life is happy when you are with them.

Providing this kind of realization to someone can be very beneficial as these can make someone fall in love with you quite easily.

3. My heart beats for you

Photo credit: loversign.com

Sweet words can put an enormous impact on someone. By using some sweet words, you can definitely win the hearts of other people.

For instance, you can make a woman fall in love with you by telling her that your heart beats for her. You can tell her that your heartbeats are only dedicated towards her.

By doing this, she won’t lose interest in you and you will be able to make a prominent place in her heart. There is no doubt that words can have a long-lasting impact on someone’s behavior and approach.

4. You are my soulmate

You can make a woman fall in love with you by telling her that she is your soulmate. There is no denial in the fact that words have great powers.

Words can change the way someone looks at you. Through the use of specific words, you can turn someone towards you or you can make them get away from you.

All of this depends upon the approach that you are trying to use.

Similarly, if you tell a woman that she is your soulmate, your entire universe, then it will definitely lead towards a positive impact. She will definitely love you and will care for you.

As already discussed that words can change the way someone looks at you.

5. My heart beats your name

“My heart beats your name or my heart beats only for you.”

No doubt that these are some of the sweet words that you can tell a woman and she will definitely fall in love with you.

As there is a great saying that words have the power, the ability, and the energy to hurt or heal someone. Therefore, based on this aspect, we can not rule out the importance that the choice of words can have in someone’s life.

The choice of words can even build someone up or can even drop them on the ground.

Therefore, based on this, we can easily conclude that you can make a woman fall in love with you by using some sweet words. Words definitely put an impact on the behavior and perspective of others.

So, there is nothing difficult in making a woman fall in love with you by saying sweet words to her.

❣ Ways to Make Her Fall in Love ❣

There are different ways by which you can make a woman fall in love with you. Some of these ways are as follows.

1.Make her your priority

If we think from the perspective of a woman, then most of the women like the feeling when they are the top priority in someone’s life.

If you are the type of person who can show her that how much you love her and how much you care about her, then, believe me, she will easily fall in love with you.

What you actually have to do is to spend time together. You have to put their desires, their emotions, and their feelings before your own.

If you will make a woman your priority and will put her first, then believe me that she will definitely fall in love with you and will love to spend her life with you.

2. Affection

Further, affection is also very important in a relationship. If you are an individual who is looking for some ways through which you can make a woman fall in love with you, then you should definitely give this a try.

So, if you manage to provide her enough affection, then she will surely fall in love with you. Further, there are different ways and methods through which you can show her affection. It all depends upon your approach.

But the thing that matters here is that with proper affection and care, you can win her heart and you can make a place in their heart.

3. Become reliable

There is also another way if you want to win someone’s heart. The thing is that you have to become reliable for them.

You need to have such an approach that they will think of you as a reliable individual.

If you wonder that what women usually want in a relationship, then you will find that a dependable partner is all that a woman needs.

Therefore, based on this aspect, what I am trying to convey is that you can make a woman fall in love with you if you make her realize that you are a reliable person.

You have to make her realize that she can rely upon you for almost everything.

If you are able to do so, then she will definitely begin to love you and begin feeling something for you.


No doubt that for a relationship to prosper and to develop, care is the most important thing that needs to be done. You can make a woman fall in love with you if you provide her with proper care, if you spend quality time with her, and so on.

You would definitely be surprised to hear that kindness and care are the most important traits that can turn on a woman. What this implies is that these two traits are the key to the development of a long-lasting relationship.

Therefore, if you want that a woman may fall in love with you, then, in my opinion, the first thing that you need to do is to develop these traits. Without kindness and care, winning the heart of a woman is usually not possible.

With proper care and kindness, she will come to realize that how much she means to you and she will also realize that how happy her life would be when she will be with you.

5. Faithfulness

There are a lot of things that you can do to make a woman fall in love with you. But despite these many things, my most important and best advice would be faithfulness. If you want that a woman should love you, then you truly have to be faithful to her.

When she will realize your faithfulness, believe me, that she will easily fall in your love.

When you will be faithful and truthful to her, then she will surely come to realize that how important she is to you, and then for her, falling in your love would be very easy.

Henceforth, these are some of the things that you can do in order to make a woman fall in love with you. If you manage to provide a woman with these things, then it can definitely be a huge turn in your life and she will fall in love with you.

💕 What makes a woman miss you 💕

There can surely be certain reasons behind that fact that why someone misses you and no doubt that things exist that usually make a woman miss you. So, below we will take a look at some of these things that usually make a woman miss someone.

1.Your distance

As it is said that as the distance increases, so does the missing feeling also. If you are a person that she is beginning to like and you are not around her or you are at some distance from her, then this will definitely make a woman miss you.

When you won’t be physically available to that specific person, then at the time of need, that person is surely going to miss you and will feel the need of having you.

2. You’re caring

Caring and kindness, as already discussed that these are the two main factors that are very essential in the running of a smooth relationship. If you want that a woman may miss you in your absence, then this can only be possible if you have had provided her with enough care.

If you have been an individual who was the most caring and kind, then in your absence, she will definitely miss you.

3. You’re being trustworthy

Trust is also an essential part of a relationship. Without having trust, a relationship can not go further and develop.

So, you can make a woman miss you if you had been an individual whom she could completely rely upon and could trust.

4. The fun time

If you are wondering that what makes a woman miss you? then it is probably the time that she spends with you.

If both of you had been able to spend some quality time with each other in which you had fun, then believe me that this fun time is really the thing that will make her miss you again.

The amazing dates and the amazing time will probably be the thing that will make a woman miss you.

Henceforth, these are all the things that can make a woman miss you.=

😊 Rules to Keep Her Happy 😊

Photo credit: romantific.com

Getting into a relationship is not a very difficult thing but maintaining that relationship is the thing that needs to be done and it can be quite difficult as well.

So, in order to make a relationship work and to keep your love of life happy, there are certain things that you can do. Some of these things that will help you to keep her happy are as follows.

1.Tell that you love her

If you are a person who wants to make her partner or lover happy, then the first and the most important thing that you need to do is to tell her that how much you love her.

You can consider this to be the easiest and indeed one of the most effective things that will make her happy.

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2. Her presence

If you want that she should remain happy around you, then you have to tell her that how much her presence matters to you.

You have to tell her that you love her so much and how much you like her presence. This will actually help you in establishing a very strong bond between each other and she will definitely become happy.

3. Surprise

If you want to see the happiness on the face of your someone special, then what could be more amazing than giving that person some special surprise.

Therefore, if you want to keep her happy, maybe giving them some flowers or something else as a surprise would be a very good option.

4.Make her laugh

Laughter and happiness indeed go side by side. If you are an individual who wants to see his love of life happy, then what you have to do is to provide laughter in her life. You have to fill her life with laughter. You have to make her laugh.

If you manage to do so and make everything around her feel fun, then she will definitely be much happy.

Therefore, concluding this, if you are a person who really wants to make her laugh, then you should do these above-mentioned things. This will definitely make your relationship much happier and prosperous.

💟 Words that impress a girl 💟

If you want to impress a girl, then there are certain words that you should probably use. With the use of these specific words, you will be able to impress her in a much better way.

It is said that words do have great powers. These words can even destroy or create things. The thing that you have to do is to utilize these powers of the words in a more effective manner.

Therefore, the power and ability of the appropriate words can be used in order to heal someone or even hurt someone. All that you have to do is to choose effectively and wisely.

As we also know that words do have the power to change people. Therefore, with the appropriate use of words, you can easily impress a girl as well.

1. Elegant

The words that are most likely help you in impressing a girl are those that you would probably use in order to compliment her. These complimentary words have such an importance in the life of a girl.

“Elegant” is a word that you can use in order to impress a girl. Just talk to her and tell her how elegant she is looking. Such sweet words will definitely put an impact on her and will impress her.

2. Stunning

Just like the word elegant, stunning is also a complimentary word that describes your reaction to something amazing.

You can make use of this word in order to impress your girl. For instance, you can tell her that she looks stunning in that dress. That’s all, she will be impressed by you just because of this word.

3. Lovely

You can call a girl lovely or someone who brings out the love in you. Again, a very simple word but with great powers. These are the type of words that you can use in order to impress someone.

4. Attractive

Ever used the word attractive for a girl to make her impress? If not, then do give it a try, as in the form of compliment, this word can have so much power even enough to impress someone.

5. Enticing

Just like the words mentioned above, enticing is also a word that you can use while complimenting someone. This specific word enticing actually refers to being attractive. So, you can make use of this word for your girl and can impress him.

For instance, you can call out to your girl that “you are looking very enticing tonight.”

So, these are the words that you can use in order to compliment someone, and based on such compliments, you can also impress them as well.

Not only this but there are some other similar words like wondrous, graceful, and other related words that can be used by a person who is trying to impress a girl. All that it needs to impress a girl is to have a positive approach, a good selection of sweet and appropriate words, and conveying a sense of dominance while being romantic. That’s all.

🤓 Conclusions 🤓

Photo credit: romantific.com

As it is said that genuine feelings only develop when someone misses you through their heart.

If you are a person who wants his girl to miss you, then you should definitely follow this article. In this article, certain tips have been mentioned that will usually help you in making your girl miss you.

Further, it is not a very difficult task, rather with some dedication and commitment, you can make her miss you when you are not around her.

Again, all that it needs is dedication and a positive approach and behavior. Also, it doesn’t matter that how long the relationship had been. All that matters is that you want her to miss you, so this article is definitely for you.

🤔 Relevant Questions 🤔

Q: Should I text a girl every day?

A: I would rather say that it all depends upon the relationship. But still, texting your girl every single day can also cause certain complications as well.

We can think of it in this way that everyone needs some spare time in their life. But again, you can see it from both perspectives. If you are the type of person who texts her daily and she doesn’t mind about it, then, in my opinion, it is fine.

But there is also a possibility that she may need some time for herself. Some time that she wants to spend alone without someone being there to supervise them. So, according to my personal opinion, it all depends upon one’s thinking and the type of relationship that he is into.

Q: How do I keep her interested?

A: There are certain things that you can do to keep someone interested in your life. But out of all these things, in my opinion, the best thing that you can do for someone to keep her interested in your life is that you should give her due respect and make her realize that how much that specific person matters to you.

You have to keep listening to that person and make that person realize that how important he is for you and what crucial role he is playing in your life. By doing this, you can easily make a person to be interested in your life.

Q: How Often Should You Text A Girl To Keep Her Interested and make her miss you more?

A: Again, in my opinion, this question doesn’t have a direct or straightforward answer.

The reason is that there is no limit to the fact that how often you should text your girl. But still, if you are looking for some advice, then I would suggest you not keep an eagle eye on your girl and not text her so often that she might find ways to get rid of you. Everything needs to be maintained in a balance. You have to create a kind of balance and make things work.

Further, another important aspect here is that if you won’t text your girl frequently, then she will miss you more as she will continue to think about you.

Therefore, if you want to make your girl miss you, then give her some space and time and do not text her continuously and regularly. Give her some space and time so that she can think about you and ultimately, she will miss you.

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The post 18 Crazy Tips On How To Make Her Miss You appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

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