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18 Steps On How To Get Out Of The Friend Zone

A friend zone is a phenomenon that occurs when two people of different gender are just friends, and one of them wants more than that. It can frustrate me to be in the friend zone.

It’s easy to feel you’re the only one not getting the love you deserve. But it’s important to remember that attraction is two-way traffic. They would be attracted to another person, or maybe they’re just not attracted to you.

You can’t help but wonder if this is how things will be from now on or if something is still happening between you.

There are some ways to leave this friend zone! This article will give you tested and proven hacks at how to be off it.

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👣 Here are the 18 Steps On How to get out of the friend zone 👣

1. Reinforce Your Friend Status

Friends are people who are close to you. Often, people who are friends become friends with someone else because they share similar interests and values. You should note that friendship differs from love, so getting out of the friend zone takes time.

It is totally impossible to be off the friend zone without being their friend first or doing something exceptional for them. You need to know how they work, what they care about, and their values to be more than just a friend with them.

2. Be Honest About Your Intentions

You need to be honest with your intentions and not pretend you are in it for the long term. It’s just a one-time thing, and both parties know it. You should be honest about your intentions with any person to leave the friend zone.

Flirting is fun, but it will only lead to trouble if you are not honest with someone. You should always be upfront about your intentions because it can cause a lot of confusion for you and the other person. The person might think you are interested when, in reality, it isn’t true.

3. Distance yourself from them

If you want to get out of the friend tract, you need to distance yourself from that person and then come back slowly. This will make you see us differently. You will no longer be seen as just their friend, and they will start seeing us in a new way which would lead to love, romance, or even marriage!

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

4. Bring them to the dating environment

One way to flee out of the friend zone is by bringing them to the dating environment. This method is helpful because it gives you a chance to have a “real” conversation with your friend and see how they react in that environment.

One way to have a “real” conversation with your friend and see how they react in that environment would be to invite them for a picnic or something like that, but make sure it’s casual. Ideally, I would want you to find out if they are interested in more than just friendship before going on this type of data together.

5. Try to make them jealous

Push jealous buttons of your friend by talking about someone they like or when they like someone who doesn’t like them back, and this will make them feel competitive and want what they can’t have.

But the most common one is to ask for your crush on a date with another person. However, it can also be done by calling them and talking to them longer than usual. Alternatively, you can post more photos on Facebook with your new crush than you usually do with your old friends.

6. Don’t make yourself available always

To leave the friend tract, it might be worth trying to behave as if you’re busy when they call. It’s not that you’re a terrible friend or a snob, but you don’t want to be at their beck and call. This way, people will understand that you have other things going on in your life, and it might just shake up the friendship a bit.

Whether your friendship is with a person or a group of people, this can be a challenge. It can feel like the friendship has changed so much over the years, but it’s worth going back to those roots and trying to reconnect with them.

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

7. Don’t Play Mind Games With Her

Do not play mind games with her; this is one way of falling into the friend zone. If she thinks you are playing a head game with her, even if you are kidding around, it can hurt your chances of getting out of the friend zone. The last thing you want to do is turn someone off by messing with their head too much, where they end up thinking that what happened between the two of you was all fake and nothing serious.

At least give them an idea that it’s possible to move forward where there’s a chance for more. Don’t send mixed signals to confuse or mislead them, since these things will backfire on you in the end when they decide enough is enough and make a move and put a wall between both of your hearts.

8. Don’t Lose Touch with The Person You Once Were Before You Started Developing Feelings For Her

When this happens, it’s a sign that you are slowly but surely entering the tract and you need to know how to flee out of the friend zone. To get out of it, show that there would be more in between both of your hearts if she takes a leap of faith and allows love to blossom.

Think about what happened before the friend zone began. What was your dynamic like? Were you relaxed around each other? Did you enjoy spending time with them, and did you feel whole and complete while doing so, or were there missing pieces that were yet to be fulfilled?

9. Accepting friendship first, then make it gradual

If you genuinely want to leave the friend zone, accepting friendship first, then making it gradually, later on, is one way of doing so. Even if they say no to something, like when you ask them out on a date or offer them more money, there are still ways where this will work out.

You can ask several times in different ways or provide another arrangement that will gradually bring the two of you closer. The key is not to make a move and keep trying until you succeed. Show your commitment and don’t pressure them when asking for things like money.

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

10. Give your crush space and time

Give your partner space and time if she asks for it. When you are in the friend zone, the person will ask you to give them some space. The whole reason they tell you this is because they need to be off the friend zone themselves before being ready to take things forward with you or be open to the idea of a relationship with you.

When they ask you to give them space, respect their wishes and don’t feel bad about it. If you think somehow, try not to act on it until they are ready for something more between them or a relationship. Please do not call or text unless it’s an emergency. If it is, somebody will answer.

11.  Touch and flirt with them

Touching and flirting with them is another way if you want to how to get out of the friend zone. Even if they reject you, there are still ways where this will work out in your favor.

When someone who has been in the friend zone touches and flirt with them, it can be a shocking moment that will totally catch their attention enough for them to want to give them another chance.

This is because you show how much you can’t resist their charms even if they aren’t interested in the beginning. When this happens, it’s a sign that things could progress further and eventually lead to more chemistry between you instead of keeping things on a spiritual level.

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

12. Respect their choice

Being interested in what they like and want to do for fun is very important for getting out of the friend-zoned tract. When this happens, it’s not because you are suddenly becoming their therapist or counselor despite having good listening skills.

Here, you show your interest in them as a person, making them feel special and giving them the time of day. This doesn’t mean that you have to become their entire world because this is not healthy for either person in question.

13. Be interested in what they like and want

Respecting your partner’s choice and not bad-mouthing them is another way of getting out of the friend zone. Even if you’re stuck after they reject you, there are still ways where this will work out in your favor.

When someone who has been friend-zoned respects their wish of maintaining a platonic relationship, it can be a shocking moment that will catch their attention enough for them to want to give them another chance.

The key is to accept and not to overreact and keep trying until you succeed. Show your commitment and don’t put too much pressure on them when asking for things like sex or other, more intimate aspects of dating.

Turn a Girl Into Your Girlfriend With One Simple Move. Even if she’s playing hard to get. CLICK THIS NOW!

14. Do nice things for your crush, expecting nothing in return

Doing nice things for your crush expecting nothing in return is another way of getting out of the friend zone. Even though they don’t accept you, there are still ways where this will work according to your plans.

It is very similar to how someone in the friend zone touches and flirts with their friends because it shows how much they care about this person and want to be more than friends with them.

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

15. Share interests with your partner

Sharing interests with your good friend is another way of getting out of the friend zone. Even if you face rejection, there are still ways where this will work out in your favor.

When someone who has been in the friend zone shares interests with their crush, it can be a shocking moment that will catch their attention enough for them to want to give them another chance.

16. Be open with your feelings towards the person you have feelings for

Many people are in the “friends zone” without realizing it. It is okay to have feelings for your best friend. You can be open about your feelings with that person and see if they know you feel the same way. If not, then there is nothing wrong with just a best friend.

Being open about your feelings means that you are showing how much you care for someone. It is not necessary to reveal everything at once, but it means being honest about what you are feeling, how much you care for them, and your intentions.

17. Be supportive towards your partner, no matter what

In a relationship, it is not always easy to maintain the same level of love and affection. People are bound to be cranky at times, which can lead to some disagreements. However, both partners must support each other through the good and bad. This way, they will know that they are on equal ground and that their partner has their back no matter what.

One way of getting out of the friend zone is by supporting your partner even when he makes mistakes. This will make him feel more secure in the relationship while also understanding how you feel about them.

18. Do not be overbearing towards the person

Avoid being overbearing towards the person you are interested in. You can do this by not touching them too often, not being too nice, and making plans with other people, so they don’t feel pressured to hang out with you.

Guys often make the mistake of being overbearing to the girl they like thinking it is an excellent way to break out of the friend zone. But, it is not true. Women are very much aware of what you are up to. They might say yes, but they are not really into you. So, just be yourself and try your best to get out of that zone!

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

🎭 15 signs that you’ve been friend-zoned 🎭

You never get invited to hang out with her and her friends or family members. You don’t get invited to her birthday or anything like that. If they do because it’s a pity date or something like that, then you’re probably just a friend and nothing more. They tease you about dating other people but won’t ever say “yes” when you ask them out.

She always talks about how much she hates men and why can’t all guys be like her best friend. The only time that she’ll talk to you is when she needs help with something or if there’s no one around. In hanging out, she invites everyone but you. She always assumes that you’re busy whenever your schedule isn’t open for her impromptu visits and invitations – which are all the freaking cool.

🌸 They introduce yours as a friend, never a boyfriend.

We’ve all been there: You think you and your crush are finally going to be one happy couple. Then, the next thing you know, they’re telling you how great of a friend you are and how much they love hanging out with you. Sound familiar?

Well, we all know by now that the dreaded “friend-zone” is very real, and it’s almost impossible to escape. Sure, you could go the route of begging your crush to take you seriously or try caking on makeup and looking attractive. Still, if they’re just not that into you, then even tips probably won’t help because chances are it’s all about their personality.

🌸 They talk about her other friends more than she talks about you

They say there are plenty of other cool fish in the sea, but it’s always just that one person who gets away- especially if you’re the only one trying to hold on to friendship. So why is it that some people friend-zone you?

Maybe they just want attention, or perhaps you’re just not their type. Whatever the reason, it can really hurt when she chats on and on about her other friends but never mentions your names.

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

🌸 When someone else flirting with or kisses them, they tell you all about it the next day

We have all been there. You want to be friends with someone, but they flirt or kiss you. You don’t want a romantic feeling and relationship. You don’t want to be friends with them either. When this happens, it can feel like a lose-lose situation. Sometimes the person who is flirting with you is not aware of your feelings, or they might not care about your feelings at all.

In this case, telling them about it as one way of getting out of their friend zone can help solve this problem and allow both people to make a move from the situation feeling satisfied and happy.

🌸 You only get to hang out when no one is around

You’re already in the friend zone, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go one step further and get stuck in the “just friends” zone. Sometimes, even when there’s obvious chemistry between you two, it can still feel like your friendship is not quite an actual relationship. Maybe she never makes time to see you, or perhaps when she does, it’s always when there are no other friends around.

🌸 She suggests that the two of you do an activity alone and then talk to someone else when you suggest it

It’s not always easy to tell if the person you like is really into you and wants to take things further. But whether it’s a date or just hanging out, sometimes sure signs only become more obvious as time goes on. For example, if she’s always suggesting you two do activities alone- even though she spends time with everyone – it could be a sign that she’s not looking for anything more than what you already have.

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

🌸 They get mad or sad when you bring up the word partner in conversation

You’ve been with your partner for a while now, and everything’s going great until you mention the word “partner” in conversation, and their mood suddenly changes. Sometimes when people hear the word “boyfriend or girlfriend,” it can make them uncomfortable because they’re not ready to fully commit. Other times, it could be something more profound, like an ex-lover still coming into play. Whatever the reason, that’s cool. You’ll never go wrong if you don’t ask them about it (sensitively).

🌸 They take time before responding to texts

It’s great that she’s busy with school, work, or anything else in her life- but when it becomes a pattern and takes longer and longer to respond, it might be a sign of something more. Whether she is trying to avoid you or purposefully blowing you off, there are ways to find out for sure.

🌸 They only want to hang out when they’re drunk

When people aren’t interested in dating someone, sometimes they do everything they can just to get them out of their lives completely, even if it means being super pushy. Maybe they beg you to go on an incredibly long date or ask you for a million coffee hoping that one will stick.

🌸 They talk about her past with other people, but not you

Maybe you’ve been friend-zoned, maybe she just wants attention- but if all of her stories are about someone and never about you, it’s time to reevaluate.

🌸 They talk to other guys when you’re there

If you’re really into someone, sometimes it’s hard to tell if they like you too. But when the chemistry between you two is undeniable, and sparks fly everywhere, what could go wrong? Maybe they find someone more interesting than you (their ex), or they don’t feel as confident around you as they do with everyone else (insecure). Whatever the reason may be, though, this one takes longer to get over.

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

🌸 They don’t give you any of her passwords

If the two of you are close enough, it’s not weird that she gives you her number or address- but do you have access to all her social media accounts? While some people might just feel more comfortable with certain passwords being kept private, if they give excuses why they can’t share them- something is definitely up.

🌸 They keep saying they hate dating

Just because someone says they don’t like the idea of dating doesn’t mean they aren’t into in doing so. Rejection could be their way of dismissing any advances someone might make on them. One way to find out, though, is by waiting until an opportunity presents itself and either asking them if they’re interested or finding out for themselves.

Find out how to get this adoration. WATCH THIS VIDEO!

🌸 You don’t get real presents for special events

Whether it’s a birthday, Christmas, or Valentine’s Day- you name it, if they always have an excuse for why they can’t get you a present or even just a card- then this is definitely a sign that something might not be right. Whether you two are just friends or more than that, the bare minimum should be any gift for each other.

🌸 They make plans with other guys but never including you

This one can go either way because sometimes people make plans with someone to make the other person feel jealous and see how much the other person actually cares about them (this doesn’t always work out, though). But if they constantly leave you out for days at a time- then they obviously don’t care enough about you to include you in things.

They always have an excuse not to hang out with you

Sometimes, when people are just friends- they can get really busy or have other priorities than hanging out with you. But when this starts becoming more common than usual, it might be time to ask them if everything is alright- because once again, something doesn’t seem right.

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

🔇 20 Signs She Is Testing You 🔇

If your girlfriend or wife has acted strange, trying things to see if you’ll react differently to her, it may be time to take a step back and evaluate what could be wrong in your relationship. There are plenty of reasons someone tries to test their significant other, such as insecurity, feeling like they need more attention than they’re getting, or even by accident. Whatever the reason might be, certain things can definitely signal that she is testing you.

⏯ She’s always watching.

Are you noticing that when your wife goes out with her friends for a night on the town, she keeps a close eye on her phone? Your woman may keep one eye on Facebook and another on her phone, so she can see when you get home or if you are cheating on her. If your woman monitors what you’re doing, she’s likely testing to see how far she can push the envelope with you before you snap.

⏯ She wants attention

Do you notice that when your partner comes home from work, suddenly, everything becomes about her? Your significant other may try to test the waters by seeing if things will change when she does these selfish acts since they make her feel more important than everyone. It doesn’t matter how much love there is in a relationship; everyone needs some particular time, which is probably why someone tries to test another to get some love and attention from them.

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

⏯ She doesn’t care about your opinion

Does it seem like your wife or girlfriend doesn’t care what you have to say? Does she blow up at you over small things that aren’t a big deal instead of just letting the issue go? If this is happening, your significant other may just be trying to push buttons and see how much she can get away with before you blow up on her. Someone tries pushing their significant others’ buttons because they want attention or they’ve become bored in the relationship, so there needs to be something new going on between the two of you.

⏯ She’s overly critical

has everything changed suddenly and everything is about her? Your significant other may try to test the waters by seeing if things will change when she does these selfish acts since they make her feel more important than everyone. It doesn’t matter how much love there is in a relationship; everyone needs some particular time, which is probably why someone tries to test another to get some love and attention from them.

⏯ She’s flirting with other men to make you jealous

She’s flirting with other men to make you jealous. She wants to see if she can pull you in and make you jealous, but it may go further than that. Sometimes when a lady is testing her man, she’ll actually consider sleeping with another guy “just for fun,” says Morse. If that happens, don’t think she’s serious about him, but you should note how you feel. If that idea doesn’t sit well with you—and it shouldn’t, because the point of her trying to make you jealous is to incite a possessive response from you—then ask yourself if your relationship is healthy.

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

⏯ You’re always criticized

Does it seem like your wife or girlfriend doesn’t care what you have to say? Does she blow up at you over small things that aren’t a big deal instead of just letting the issue go? If this is happening, your significant other may just be trying to push buttons and see how much she can get away with before you blow up on her. Someone tries pushing their significant others’ buttons because they want attention or they’ve become bored in the relationship, so there needs to be something new going on between the two of you.

⏯ She’s looking for reassurance

Do your best to give her plenty of reassurance that everything will be okay, even if it means asking one of your guy friends for advice on how to deal with her. If she’s constantly given reassurance and attention and she still doesn’t stop acting like this, then the problem may run a lot deeper, so your relationship could be in some trouble.

⏯ She always has an excuse for not doing something you ask her to do

She might always have an excuse for not doing something you ask her to do. This is because she is trying to make sure that you are worthy of being in a relationship with her. She wants to know if she can trust you, and she knows the only way she will find that out is by seeing how you react when she tests you.

For example, saying that she can’t go to the gym with you today because she has plans for tomorrow night. This allows her to see if you will get mad and make a big deal out of it or accept her for who she is and be there for her in another way.

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

⏯  She’s emotionally distant.

If she’s pulling away and becoming emotionally distant, she might test you. She wonders if you are the type of guy who would stick around even if things get rugged or challenging.

She’s trying to get your attention. If she knows that when she ignores you, it usually gets your attention.

⏯ She won’t apologize

Someone who apologizes to you is straightforward to spot. This person is usually someone who doesn’t want to lose you. They’re happy that you’re satisfied with them.

However, if the girl isn’t apologizing, then it’s clear that she wants to see how far she can take it without you getting mad or leaving her for not meeting your expectations.

The only reason she doesn’t apologize is that she knows you’ll be too scared of losing her and will do anything not to make her mad or upset her.

⏯ She forces sex

Most women want to know if you are a good man. They want to see if they can trust you. Most women will start by testing you to know how you react in different situations.

When a woman forces herself onto a man, she is testing his masculinity and dominance. She wants to see what he will do next. She is also looking for any signs of weakness that might let her know she should not pursue the relationship further with him.

Some men may feel like they have been “put in their place” and try to continue with her because she has forced herself on him. Still, this type of behavior may show that the woman does not respect your boundaries and won’t respect them in other situations either.

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

⏯ She puts you down

The phrase “She puts you down as a sign of testing you” means that women see putting down other people to test them to see if they can handle the negativity. This is a widespread phenomenon in social groups and in some workplaces.

What motivates some people to put others down? It could be a defense mechanism or because they feel threatened by the other person’s success. Putting people down is also a way for women to evaluate how strong someone is.

⏯ She won’t let you go anywhere without her.

In the past, women have been thought of as being obedient. Women today do not need a man to provide for them, and in return, they expect a lot from their men. They want a man who values their opinions and contributions in both life’s professional and personal aspects.

Women feel that it’s essential that they are free to pursue their ambitions while still maintaining a healthy relationship with someone equally invested in them, which is why women today are not letting their men go anywhere without them.

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

⏯ She won’t let you out of sight

Some women want to test you and see if you are the guy she wants to be with. This is because security is crucial for them, and they want to find out if you’re the guy who will provide that. This is a sign that she wants more or a casual relationship. She is looking for someone who will provide physical security and emotional stability.

If this were the case, it could be inferred that if your answers satisfy her or surprise her, she will want to spend more time with you. If you do not meet her or surprise her, it will make sense for the woman to end the conversation because there has been no progress in the relationship.

You should also remember that this could mean that she is just shy or insecure and wants to know your intentions before continuing with a conversation. It is hard to pinpoint why exactly she would continue talking for so long without ending it unless she wanted answers.

⏯ She loves arguing

There is no hard and fast rule, but it’s common for women who love to argue also to be testing you.

If you are not feeling confident in your relationship, then maybe your partner wants to test you to see how much they can get away with.

If you’re feeling confident in your relationship, then it can be that she’s just really passionate about what she believes in.

Arguing is communication that may show something happening underneath the surface. Sometimes, if people feel insecure about their partner, they will try to control them through arguing, so they feel like they have some kind of power over them.

Photo credit: psychalive.org

⏯ She has no respect for your family and friends

It is a sign that she has no respect for her family and friends if she is unwilling to spend time with them. It may seem like a small thing, but it speaks volumes about the relationship.

Most relationships have tension between parties. Sometimes, this tension can be caused by the women not wanting to regularly interact with family and friends. This can signify that she does not value these relationships or simply wants to invest time into them.

⏯ She’s trying to make you jealous

While women might try to make men jealous to test their feelings for them, they might also test the relationship by seeing whether they care who they are with.

She might have felt anxious and trying to test you to see if she can rely on you. She might also try to see what you will do if she tries to break up with you.

⏯ You always look like the bad guy

women may seem to play some sort of game, just to see how men react. Some people are natural-born players, but most are not. If a woman tests you on over one occasion, it’s time to inspect the relationship and decide whether it is worth continuing.

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

⏯ She tries showing power all the time

Women need to be in control to have power over men and other women. It is not about the abuse of power. It is about possessing it.

If you are dating someone who wants to always be in control, they may be testing you. This person needs to feel like they are superior and can show power. They want you to think that they will punish you if you ever disappoint them or do something wrong.

⏯ She uses sex as a weapon

A woman who uses sex as a weapon is not interested in you. She is hoping to find a man with high self-esteem and confidence.

⌚ How do you know if a girl is wasting your time? ⌚

It might not be as easy as you think to figure out that they’re wasting your time. They could be nervous or just not into the conversation too much – which might not mean that they’re trying to waste your time. However, there are definitely some telltale signs that will help you discern whether they’re investing in the date.

First, If by “wasting your time,” you mean not wanting to make plans with you, not responding when you text, or not answering your phone call when it goes straight to voicemail, then these are all signs that she’s not interested in dating someone new right now or she’s too busy.

If she texts you constantly with meaningless messages, then it’s probably best not to respond at all. If she doesn’t seem interested in getting to know you better, then it might be time for her to go.

Suppose she talks to other guys or girls while talking to you. This is especially true when she talks about things that do not interest her.

The next sign is if she texts someone during the conversation with you but doesn’t text for long before turning her attention back to the conversation again.

If she does this often, then it may be worth considering that someone else may intrigue her more than you do. The last sign is the most important one – if she disappears suddenly and doesn’t even say goodbye!

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

👾 How do you tell if she’s playing hard to get? 👾

There are many ways to interpret the subtlety of someone’s text messages. One way is to pay close attention to what they are saying. Another way is to look closely when they sent the text message. If they immediately respond, then maybe they are not playing hard to get. If they wait hours or days before responding, this could signify that they are playing hard to get.

The easiest way to tell if a girl is playing hard is by looking at her body language. She might give off cues such as avoiding physical contact, not making eye contact, and so on. It’s also crucial to know her personality type. For example, if she’s shy and not very confident, she might play hard to get.

The most complicated way of telling is by guessing the girl’s intention, which can sometimes lead to the wrong conclusion.

We all know that some people can play hard-to-get on purpose while others do not mean any harm by it. Figuring out who is playing hard-to-get can help you decide how you want your next interaction with them to go.

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

🧸 How do you hug a girl and escape the friend zone? 🧸

Men often find themselves in this situation. They want to hug a girl and escape the friend zone but don’t know how to go about it. There is no definite answer to this question as different people have different sentiments about hugging and can be offended by it, even if they are good friends with the other person.

There are ways to hug a girl without offending her and end up in the friend zone, though. You should make sure that you don’t cross the boundary of personal space people like for themselves.

You may wonder what the one thing you should do. There are two main types of people in the world. Those who want to keep their distance, and those who are comfortable being close to other people. This means that you should not go too near or too far from them while hugging her.

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Photo credit: unsplash.com

🧩 Conclusion 🧩

A friend zone is a place where you don’t want to be. It’s a place where you’re not getting any from the person who matters to you. You need to take matters into your own hands and make the moves that will get you out of this zone for good. You should never give up on your crush. If they don’t feel the same way about you, find someone else who does. You can use techniques such as flirting, teasing, and asking deep questions to get your crush’s attention.

Remember: You Become and Attract What You Think About Most. WATCH THIS VIDEO and learn the ways to get out of the friend zoned!

The post 18 Steps On How To Get Out Of The Friend Zone appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

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