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26 Sure-ball Signs On How To Tell If A Girl Likes You Over Text

How to figure out if your crush likes you over text?

This is a question that can leave you perplexed with a perennial dilemma. And if you are going through this as we speak, you know precisely what we are talking about.

You are in that confused place where it seems she is head over heels, fallen for you one second. Then, the next second, everything looks pretty casual. And the texts she sending appears like the one she can send to any of her coworkers, buddies, classmates or even siblings.

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Thus, bringing another dilemma: should you make the next move to get things going?

We know just how hard it can get to figure out a girl’s feelings in person, let alone decoding them over text. But don’t worry, there are usually tell-tale signs that you can look out for.

And today, we are going to help you spot 26 Sure-ball Signs on How to tell if a girl likes you over text. Once that is clearly defined, you will know what your next move should be.

💯 Learn the 26 Sure-ball Signs On How To Tell If A Girl Likes You Over Text 💯

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Don’t worry; just like how girls exhibit a particular behavior during face-to-face interactions, they absolutely have certain texting habits as well. These texts will tell you whether they like you or not.

Are you still confused?

Keep reading to find out more.

It’s pretty simple, and it’s totally on you to decipher these signs and use them to your advantage. So, without further holdups, let’s review the 26 signs that show a girl is totally into you.

1) She Starts The Conversation 

If she likes you, she will text you first for sure. She will slide in your DM and ask what you are doing?

If that happens, then you are in luck my friend because there is a huge chance that she digs you.

It’s a known fact that girls usually like it when the guy texts them first. But if she is making an effort to start the conversation, then chances are that she likes you.

Hence, if you come across such a situation, it’s a significant sign that she likes you over text.

2) She Texts Regularly

Things start going well for you. You guys spend the whole night talking to each other over text.

It gets better when you wake up the next day and see a ‘good morning’ text from her. Sounds amazing, right?

She is definitely asking for more text conversations, and it shows that she is really into you. But be careful; there is a huge possibility that she will turn out to be a text-clingy girlfriend once you start dating. So, prepare yourself for that.

3) She Texts Back Instantly 

For a man, there is nothing more excruciating than waiting for your crush to reply to your text message.

Imagine sending a cute message to your crush and waiting anxiously for a reply. The wait will be unbearable for you. You might have to wait for hours to get an answer. Sometimes she might reply the next day.

So, when your crush replies instantly within seconds or minutes after you sent a text, it’s a crystal clear sign that she is into you.

4) She Gives You Frequent Updates

Another common sign if a girl likes you over text is getting frequent updates of her daily life. You can get a text like this,

“Hey, getting a manicure and pedicure, what are you up to?” Or “Ordered a coffee at Starbucks.” 

Now, this may seem like unwanted information at your end, and you might not care about it even. But, this shows how much she wants to talk to you over text. And she wants the attention from your end.

5) She Replies Instantly, Even When She Is Really Busy

She still manages to reply on time if she is busy at school, work, or some other daily activity. This is a girl’s way of continuing the text conversation, and it only means that she thinks you are worth her time.

So, enjoy the glory because its a good sign.

6) She Sends Lengthy Text Messages With Follow-Ups 

It’s a known fact that girls are more talkative as compared to men. And they get even chattier if they like and trust someone.

So, when a girl texts you a long chock of details and leaves it open-ended, it means that she wants to talk to you more. Try to keep the conversation going if you really like the girl. The slightest delay from your side can ruin it for you, and you might end up losing the chance of dating your crush.

7) She Copies Your Texting Style 

It happens to everyone. For example, if you are into someone, you unintentionally start using the emojis or phrases that they use.

So, if she uses an emoji or phrase that your crush previously didn’t use, and now she does use it frequently, chances are she likes you.

8) She Will Notice If You Make Shorter Conversations 

When she inquires, “Hey, is everything okay? You have not been texting much lately?” it’s a clear sign that she really digs you.

Unexpectedly decreasing communication won’t go unnoticed, and it will lead to prying questions. But, trust us, this is a pretty obvious sign that she likes you over text.

9) She Spells The Words In A Cute Way 

Writing extra vowels, baby-talk, and all caps are signs that she wants you to notice her and give her all your attention.

Don’t let it go unnoticed. Give the girl what she wants.

10) She Uses Lots And Lots Of Emojis 

Nowadays, people use emojis to express special feelings. So if she includes emojis, hearts, and smiley faces in each text message, she is into you. Or at least it means she wants to be more than friends.

In addition to this, you will come across moments when the number of emojis outnumbers the number of words. But, don’t worry; it’s her way of expressing her feelings.

11) She Teases You 

Don’t forget teasing is a sign that she feels comfortable joking around you. And she expects you to be okay with it. It means that now you are more than normal friends. Or at least she wants to be more than a friend to you.

Teasing also shows interest because she wants to have an emotional connection with you. And is a good sign for you.

12) She Giggles In Her Texts 

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ROFL, HAHAs, LOL, LMAO, and other laughing emoticons not only show that she is enjoying the conversation but is also her way of saying that you are funny.

Let’s be real who doesn’t like a funny person.

13) She Shows How Important You Are To Her 

Did she ever tell you that you are special to her? Or is she slightly pissed because you shared important information later in the day?

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If she shows such emotions, you are essential to her, and she wants to be the first person to hear every good news you have. This pretty much explains that you have a soft spot in her heart, and she cares about everything you do.

14) She Sends You Quotes Or Lines From Her Favorite Movie/Song

 It’s called creativity flirting. She will flaunt her interest in front of you so that you can get attracted to her creative side.

It also shows that she wants you to know her more and, in return, tell her more about yourself.

15) She Compliments You Frequently 

Ever had a girl compliment the way you look? It feels amazing, right. Girls do that when they dig you. Its a good sign she is into you.

It can be the clothes you are wearing, a new tattoo, or noticing that you have been working out. In addition to this, compliments show that she likes you over text.

16) She Sends Flirty Text Messages 

If your text messages escalate into the land of flirting, then you shouldn’t be asking yourself whether she likes you or not because it is pretty evident that she does.

Instead, you should be calling her up right now. It’s obviously a significant sign that she likes you and wants to be with you.

17) She Meddles Around Your Personal Life

 If a girl inquires about personal things, it shows that she is interested in your life.

Usually, girls have their unique way of getting information out from a guy they like. But if she is inquiring directly over texts, you have reached a more intimate level of relationship. And congratulations on that. Its a good sign.

18) She Inquiries About Your Love Life 

Asking if you are seeing someone currently, who was your ex-girlfriend, or questions regarding your likes and dislikes in girls is a big sign she wants to know if this will work out or not.

That is the moment she is seeing whether you are a good boyfriend candidate or not. She would want to make sure first if she could have a serious relationship or not. So if you like this girl, don’t screw it up.

19) She Frequently Sends You Her Photos

Girls can be pretty private when it comes to sharing their photos.

So if a girl sends you her pictures even when you didn’t ask her for them, chances are she likes you. And you need to appreciate her for that. That my friend is a sign she likes you.

20) She Sends Candid Or Wacky Pictures

When sharing pictures, girls often send out the most flattering ones. In those pictures, they look like a model and are dressed to impress.

But if a girl sends you a picture of herself with messy hair, house clothes, and no makeup, she wants you to see her raw self. And girls only do that when they like someone. This is her way of showing you her natural beauty.

21) She Often Sends Memes

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Photo credit: Memebase.com

Memes nowadays are a total conversation saver. When a chat runs dry, and the girl doesn’t want it to end, she will reply with a meme instead.

Such memes spice up the conversation. And make the sender as well as the receiver smile. Plus, it helps her keep the conversation going even when she has run out of words.

22) She Tells You A lot About Her Personal Life

Is she sharing a lot of personal details over text? For example, does she tell you the reason behind not having a boyfriend, or why doesn’t she hang out on Saturday nights anymore?

She can share anything personal, and while mentioning it, she will tell you that she has never discussed this with anyone else. So, if she does that with you, she is putting in the effort to help you know her better. And this is the right time to hit the nail on the head and develop a genuine bond with the one you love.

23) She Sends You Long Texts

 Without even feeling awkward about it, she will send you long texts. When you like someone, you usually don’t hesitate to send long texts.

It doesn’t mean sending double texts. Instead, it means long bubbles of messages one after the other. If she likes you over text, she will want to give all the details to you. This is how girls make effort to get close to someone.

24) She Texts Good Morning And Good Night 

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Oh, this is big!

Wishing someone good morning and good night over text takes a lot of commitment. So, she will make an effort to send you good morning texts first. This shows that you are the first person on her mind when she wakes up and the last one when she falls asleep.

This means good news for you. It’s a sign she likes you.

25) She Texts You Because She Thinks Of You 

Did you get a picture from her while shopping for groceries? Did she show you that she is buying her favorite breakfast cereal?

That’s real cute, and it will bring a smile to your face. But what’s more interesting is that you are always on her mind and she makes an effort to talk to you, even when she is busy.

That’s some real special treatment right there.

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26) She Slips In Something Sexy 

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Has she ever sent you a picture in a naughty dress while you both are talking over texts?

It may look innocent, but you can’t help but think of something more behind that picture. Maybe she will tell you that she just got some new lingerie, or she got turned on while watching something on Netflix.

Well, sir, that’s your cue right there. It’s a sign she likes you.

🗨 How To Respond When A Girl Likes You Over Text 

Now that you know that a girl likes you over text, you must be wondering how you should respond to her.

Don’t worry. It’s completely normal to be nervous. To help you further, we have made a list of things you can say to have a smooth sail.

► Don’t Make Her Wait For A Reply

Even if you need time to think about your answer, reply to her text immediately. It’s quite nerve-wracking to show someone that you like them. And she is perhaps anxiously waiting to see if you feel the same way or not.

If you like her back, you are just as excited to send her a reply as she is. So do put some thought into your responses, but don’t spend more time coming up with a perfect answer.

Things will become more complicated if you are not reciprocating the same romantic feelings for her. Or maybe you need time to figure out how you feel about the whole situation.

Just don’t drag it. Go ahead and be honest.

Girls like honesty.

► Thank Her 

Thanking a girl is an excellent way to express gratitude. It’s also a good conversation starter if you want to go down that road.

If you don’t know what you want to say, just thank her to be polite. In return, it will get you some time to come up with a better response.

For example, you can send her a ‘thank you‘ text. And then say something like, ‘I also like you very much’ or ‘You are a fantastic person. So saying thank you is a good answer for a platonic relationship. Even if she is just a friend or a relative, being polite is always lovely.

► Tell Her That You Like Her 

Confess the way you feel with a genuine response. Don’t keep her hanging.

Tell her, instead, show her that you like her too. So she gets a sure-shot answer that you both feel the same way.

You can give her a simple reply, ‘I like you too’ or something more enthusiastic, ‘I can’t believe it. I am so fortunate to experience this in my life.

► Show Her How You Feel Through A Cute Meme 

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Photo credit: Pinterest .com

Memes express more feelings than words can. So if you are not sure how to say, ‘I’m so happy, I’ll burst like a balloon,’ there will be a meme or gif that can.

Better yet, make your own memes or gifs. It will show her how you are going the extra mile to express your feelings for her.

Remember that if you are sending a meme as an answer, you will have to follow up with a text. So it’s always good to use both ways. Of course, you can also use emojis. But let’s be real, gifs are more expressive.

► Inquire If You Don’t Know What She Means 

Always check if she likes you just as a friend or she wants more.

Usually, when a girl says something like this, ‘I like you, LOL,’ you may get confused because you don’t know her intention.

Does she enjoy talking to you like a friend? Is she looking forward to being your girlfriend?

If you have questions like these popping in your mind, the best way is to ask her.

You can casually ask her, ‘really? Like a friend or..?’

Even if you are sure what she means, you can still do it anyway. It will add that playful touch to your conversation, and girls love that. And it is surely one of the signs a girl likes you.

► Take Time To Think Things Through If You Are Not Sure 

Understand how you feel before you give her an answer. If you are conflicted or surprised by her response that she likes you, you will need time to come up with an answer. That is totally normal. Just be honest with her.

This way, you won’t leave her hanging. Keep the answer simple. For example, you can say, ‘Hey, I need a second to think this over.’ It may not be the answer she is looking for, but it’s better than ghosting her.

Consequently, if you need some time to see how you feel, take all the time you want. Big life decisions like these can’t be made abruptly.

► Be Honest And Kind If You Don’t Feel The Same Way 

Being honest is an ethical practice that should be followed at every cost. Even if it makes you uncomfortable, she should know the truth. Be kind and gentle while telling her that you don’t feel the same way. And that she shouldn’t get her hopes up.

For instance, you can be firm and considerate at the same time. Reply back with this, ‘ I think you are amazing, but I only consider you a good friend.’ 

► Misinterpret Her text Purposely To Build Tension 

Tease her a little by pretending that you didn’t understand her text message. A girl likes such attention. It will not only frustrate her but will also bring some suspense to the conversation.

If she really likes you, she will chase you even harder. For example, if she says, ‘Hey, I really like you,’ you can reply back with this. ‘Really? I like me too’. 

Playful flirting doesn’t hurt anyone, and it will make her want you more.

► Ask Her Out On A Date 

If she asks you out, accept it. If she doesn’t, you can always ask her out.

Once that cat is out of the bag and she has expressed her feelings for you, it will be an opportunity for you to have something tangible.

If she likes you, she will want to spend time with you and not just over texts.

For instance, you can text her, ‘Hey, wanna go out for a drink this Saturday?’

She went the extra mile to tell you how she feels, don’t let her down by not meeting her in person.

Make a big impression to secure a  date, improve or put your relationship back on track and just have more fun. CLICK HERE TO KNOW MORE!

► Give Her Some Time To Reply Back 

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Don’t start assuming things if she doesn’t reply immediately.

After you send her a reply, whether you tell her you like her or something else for that matter, be patient for a response. It will take her time to process the text message you sent. Therefore, she will want to think it through before she replies.

Let her take her sweet time and reply when she is firm on what she wants to say.

For instance, you sent her a text that ‘I like you too.’ If she doesn’t reply within 5 minutes, don’t start following up on that message. She will send a reply, just let her think. It is one of the signs a girl likes your over text.

► Don’t Second Guess Yourself 

Stay positive and confident in keeping the interest level up. She just informed you that she is into you. So whatever your reply is, keep that positive energy alive throughout the rest of the conversation.

You need to believe in yourself. She will be more attracted to you if you are confident.

Just savor the moment and don’t screw up because that girl is interested in you.

🤳 Conclusions 🤳

In the modern-day world, where smartphones are considered a complete necessity, it can be hard to determine if your crush likes you over text. But if you keep an eye on the signs mentioned above, you will get a clear hint that she likes you. Once that is out, you will be able to proceed with discernment.

If you see these signs a girl likes you over text, get ready to ask her out.

❓ Relevant Questions ❓

Q: How can you tell if a girl is flirting over text?

A: Texting can send some pretty confusing signals. Although it’s an easy way to contact someone, nonverbal cues and tone of voice can sometimes be missing. Thus, making it difficult to understand what the other person means.

So look for the following clues to see if the other person is flirting or not.

💨 They Reply Quickly
💨 They Ask Questions
💨 They Send Long Responses
💨 They Compliment You
💨 They Use Emojis
💨 They’re Not Afraid of Texting First
💨 They Hint at Hanging Out
💨 The Conversation Is Continuous

Q: How do you know if a girl likes you secretly?

A:If a girl likes you secretly, pay attention to the following signs:

⏭ You make her smile.
⏭ Her body language is open and welcoming.
⏭ She flirts overs text.
⏭ She texts you often.
⏭ She can’t stop talking about you.
⏭ She makes an effort to keep in touch.
⏭ She’s there for you.
⏭ But she’s nervous around you.


Learn the 3 kinds of text messages that turn her on and BEG you to meet with her HERE!

The post 26 Sure-ball Signs On How To Tell If A Girl Likes You Over Text appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

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