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How to Manage Your Sleep Cycle To Get The Most Out Of Work

The most important thing that an employer can give to an employee is their time. If the employee is not productive, it is the fault of the employer. The employer has given them the time to get work done, but they have squandered it. This is something that the employer has no control over. If the employee is allowed to be too tired or too distracted, they will get less done.

Managing your Sleep Cycle To Get The Most Out Of Work

Sleep is the most important part of the day, it is when your body repairs itself. If you are not getting a good night’s sleep, it will be very hard for you to get any work done the next day.

Managing your Sleep Cycle To Get The Most Out Of Work
Photo: sleepfoundation.org

When you sleep you go through different stages. These stages are:

Stage 1

This stage happens right when you lay down. For some people, this stage can last a few minutes to a half-hour.

Stage 2

This is light sleep. You could wake up at this stage if there is a sound in the room.

Stage 3

This is when you are in deep sleep. Heart rate slows down, muscles relax, and breathing slows down. In this stage, it is hard to wake up from.

Stage 4

This is REM or Rapid Eye Movement sleep. In this stage, your eyes move back and forth behind your eyelids. This is the only time when someone can remember their dreams. If you are woken up in this stage, you will feel groggy for a short amount of time.

Stage 5

This is when you get up after sleeping for eight hours. After this stage, you will go right back into Stage 1 sleep for one to two hours.

When you sleep you go through different stages
Photo: chronobiology.com

⫸ To get the best sleep possible, you need to get into bed at the same time every night.

Your body will start to naturally get tired at around the same time every night. If you get into bed around 8 Pm every night, your body will start to get tired at 8 pm each night.

If you sleep for eight hours, your body needs to be awake for sixteen hours before you go to bed. If you go to bed at night, you need to stay awake until 4 AM so that you can get eight hours of sleep.

⫸ If you need to wake up early in the morning, then you should try to stay up later the night before.

If you need to wake up at six in the morning, then you should go to bed around midnight so that you can get eight hours of sleep before waking up.

Some people find it hard to go to sleep before midnight because they are afraid of sleeping too much in the morning and causing themselves problems with getting ready for work on time. To avoid this problem, set an alarm clock for six in the morning and set it right next to your bed so that it will wake you up if you fall asleep before six in the morning.

⫸ If you are having trouble sleeping at night, then try not to drink coffee after noon or alcohol after five in the afternoon.

not to drink coffee
Photo: comunicaffe.com

If you do drink caffeine or alcohol close to bedtime, then try not to go to bed within two or three hours of drinking them because if you do that they can keep you up all night long.

3.5% of Americans suffer from insomnia every year, which means they have problems sleeping for at least one month out of the twelve-month period in any given year. That is about one out of every sixteen people in America who have insomnia every year! That is a lot of people who are having trouble sleeping!

This means that there are many employers who are probably having problems getting their employees their work done because they are too tired from not getting enough sleep! That is not fair for employers!

5 Steps To Better Sleep

Better sleep is an important part of overall health and can help you feel better, look better and even think better. Getting enough sleep at the right times can help your body and mind to function well and can help you to be more productive.

Step ①: Stick to a sleep schedule

Stick to a sleep schedule
Photo: bachelorstudies.com

Your body and mind function best when they follow a set schedule. The body gets used to a regular sleep schedule and can produce sleep hormones more easily. When your body knows when it will be sleeping, it can plan ahead and adjust itself to get ready for sleep.

Step ②: Pay attention to what you eat and drink

Pay attention to what you eat and drink
Photo: theladders.com

The caffeine in coffee, sodas, and other drinks can prevent your body from producing sleep hormones. This can interfere with your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol can hinder your ability to reach higher levels of sleep. These substances can also cause you to wake up more often.

Step ③: Create a restful environment

Create a restful environment
Photo: verywellhealth.com

It is important to have a place to sleep that is quiet, dark, and comfortable. The temperature of your bedroom should be between 60°F and 70°F. Your bed should be the right size for you and you should have a comfortable pillow. If you are having trouble sleeping, try writing down any thoughts that are on your mind. It is also helpful to make a plan for the next day.

Step ④: Limit daytime naps

Limit daytime naps
Photo: straitstimes.com

Naps can be helpful if you are sleep-deprived, but they can make it more difficult to fall asleep at night. If you are getting less than 7 hours of sleep at night, try to limit your naps to 30 minutes or less.

Step ⑤: Include physical activity in your daily routine

Include physical activity in your daily routine
Photo: runtastic.com

If you are not getting enough physical activity during the day, it can interfere with your sleep. Physical activity can help your body to produce sleep hormones. Try to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. This can be something as simple as walking or stretching.


Bottom line

The most important thing an employer can give to their employees is their time. If the employee is not productive, it is the fault of the employer.

The employer has given them the time to get work done, but they have squandered it. This is something that the employer has no control over.

If the employee is allowed to be too tired or too distracted, they will get less done. The best way to solve this problem is for employers to manage their employees’ sleep cycle.

They should make sure that their employees get enough sleep every night so that they are not under any sleep deprivation that could cause them to not get any work done or to get very little work done.

The post How to Manage Your Sleep Cycle To Get The Most Out Of Work appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

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