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9 Best Futures Brokers For 2021!

Futures Brokers
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Buying and selling securities or commodities sometime in the future is known as future contracts. Those entities who deal in futures brokerage are known as future brokers.

Futures trading is one of the most beneficial and profitable activities to be a part of. There are plenty of futures trading program, which help in managing such kinds of deals and contracts.

Initially, the futures markets were originated by the futures traders to aid the farmers. To ensure the avoidance of loss and risk to the maximum, futures contracts were created.

This is when the futures markets came into being. However, now the scope of trading futures has expanded quite a lot.

To be a part of this universe of futures contracts, you need to ensure having a connection with the best futures contractor, who is a part of the best futures trading platform. This will make your futures contract a lot more reliable and trustworthy.

If you are already a part of the trade futures, you need to switch to a trustable live trading mechanism. Online brokers are the right people to contact in this regard.

List of Best Futures Brokers

1. Optimus Futures: For the starters

2. Tradestation; for the out-of-the-box thinkers:

3. Generic trade; For minimal rates

4. Ninjatrader Brokerage; for special services

5. Interactive Brokers; for the strongest communication

6. TD Ameritrade; easy mobile features

7. Tradovate; for the highest level of activity

8. E-trade; for better knowledge

9. Trade zero: with the most amount of features

9 Best Futures Brokers For All Type Of Investors

Futures Brokers
Image from pexels.com

Futures brokers are important to get services from in order to avoid any chances to lose money.

No matter whether you consult with online brokers through phone support or visit them in their offices yourself, you should opt for either. This will help you in having a good idea of the financial markets, and ensure well-equipped investment advice. However, these consultants will come with a price.

It could be quite minimum, for limited consultation, to a quoted price that is quite higher than your expectations. Nonetheless, to enter the futures market well prepared, you shouldn’t really worry whether the consultation comes with a cost or is it commission-free trading.

One more thing that you should keep in mind while choosing a broker for yourself is that different brokers ask for different minimum deposits for trading.

In case you are planning to get your hands on the services offered by an online futures broker, you should consider at least an amount of 1000$ to be invested. While consulting the broker, have a plan of margin trading and discuss it with him in great detail.

Choosing the Right Futures Trading Platforms

Future Brokers
Image from pexels.com

The recent surge in people’s interest in futures trading has also enhanced the number of platforms that are offering these services.

Trading futures platforms are quite extensive in terms of the tools they use for trading purposes and the prices they offer. However, in simple terms, it can be said that interactive brokers come with the least pricing while TD Ameritrade is the most costly one.

The former, however, is quite tough when it comes to using and learning it. Rather, only a professional can use it for his maximum benefit.

On the other hand, the latter is extremely easy to use and the tools are quite easy to understand. What an investor needs to look for is a broker that would ask for the minimum amount per contract.

The Risk Factor In Trading Futures

Future Brokers
Image from pexels.com

Futures trading is loaded with risks and doesn’t offer 100 percent success rate. At the same time, it is not a suitable option to opt for everyone! A lot of times, it includes volatile assets as well as leverage. Hence, the trader can become the sole responsibility for setting the value of trade in total. For that matter, one needs to be really efficient enough to close the position right before the expiration happens. This requires a lot of practice and expertise. The basic point is that if you are able to close the deal before your obligation to deliver the cash comes in, you are able to set the trade value efficiently. If you fail to do so, you end up in a disastrous loss and a failed attempt at managing your trade deals. Hence, futures trading can be pretty risque if you don’t really get the hang of it.

The risk factor augments when the futures trading platform that you have chosen comes with clunky services. This adds to the actual risk and the trading app is not really able to manage the futures trading with the kind of efficiency that it should showcase.

At the same time, if the customer support is not well aware of the various indicators regarding futures trading, it can cause a lot of risk and uncertainty for the investors.

The right brokerage firm ensures there are minimum trading CFDs, so the investor doesn’t have to pay the difference in the deal.

In a world where futures trading is already a high-risk endeavor, it’s even more of a risk if a platform is clunky, a trading app can’t keep up, or customer support has no idea what a Fibonacci indicator is.

Choosing a Futures Broker

Future Brokers
Image from pexels.com

To stay active in the futures markets, you need to choose the right futures broker.

This is the first step towards venturing into futures trading, which ensures a high level of security and protection of assets.

Choosing one from the best futures trading platforms could take you either on the route of online trading or automated systems. While selecting one for yourself, you will have options of transactional and relationship-based brokers.

Each of them works in a different manner, offering varied kinds of services and features.

Where the former offers futures contracts that are one size fits all services, the latter offers futures contracts that are based on the exact needs and demands of the investors.

Selecting the right kinds of futures brokers is surely the most significant choice that you will make when it comes to coming in contact with the futures trader.

Your choice will decide your future in the futures trade as to how glorious or lukewarm it is going to be. If you are already well-versed in the stock market and futures trading, you don’t need to worry as you would require minimal support from them.

A self-directed trader would also need some support to use the advanced trading tools. Most of the time, it is advised not to take risks in high stake situations. Rather, a bit of futures trading commissions paid to a reputable broker will keep you out of all kinds of risks!

On the other hand, if you have no idea regarding trading tools used in trading futures, you may need to get extensive expert advice.

Active traders with extensive support systems are helpful in minimizing the risk factor to the maximum.

If you are still not sure which futures trading brokers you should consult with to venture into international stock markets, here is a list of the best 9 futures brokers for 2021:

1) Optimus Futures: For the starters

Optimus Futures
Image from optimusfutures.com


One of the most sought after brokers to help in forex trading is that of Optimus Futures.

For all those who are just starting out putting money into futures trading and are afraid to lose money, getting a deal with this broker company is a way to stay safe.

It starts with the basics of day trading futures and then, slowly and gradually, moves all the way to simulation trading. It transforms a beginner from being an amateur to an expert trader.

Image from optimusfutures.com

Optimum futures offers a lot more apart from the usual offer of futures trading.

It lets the futures investors learn the skill themselves and be a bit independent in this regard. Also, it helps them prosper by engaging in futures trades themselves. At the same time, it brings discipline in their acts and lets them take action without being impulsive.

The method of working by Optimus Futures is quite secure. Compared to others, it helps in practising on a demo before actually entering in a live trade.

The demo also includes some of the most advanced trading features, which aid in educating the broker in the best possible manner.

The Verdict
Image from optimusfutures.com

Hence, it has such extensive educational resources that they aid in making things a lot more feasible for those starting out at futures tradings.


2) Tradestation; for the out-of-the-box thinkers



Tradestation is yet another amazing platform that aids serious futures traders. It helps those retail investors who prefer to take risks and think out of the box.

It helps the new traders as well as the old ones equally, helping them in making the best out of their exchange-traded funds.

The chances to lose money are reduced to a great level, even though this company firmly believes in taking risks and going innovative.



The company offers quite a broad market access by keeping its minimum deposit quite low.

The commodity exchange rate that it offers to its clients is easily manageable, hence the number of its active traders is increasing rapidly.

The trading experts believe in the optimization of their skills, which further helps their clients in forex trading. Alongside this, it offers expert opinions about how can the investor reduce the chances of incurring trading cfds.

The interactive brokers further make the trade futures contracts a lot easier to carry out.

They buy and sell futures contracts after extensive communication and discussion, leading to minimum chances to lose money. This is also owing to the fact that the company gives way more importance to analytics and research than the use of intuition.

The Verdict

The Verdict

The years of data and history is well recorded and this makes the company the best online futures broker. Furthermore, the stock trading commissions are not way too high and it is quite an affordable broker company to go for.


3) Generic trade; For minimal rates


Generic trade

If you want to enter the world of futures trading but don’t want to spend a fortune initially, Generic trade is what you need to choose for yourself.

Being in the business for the last ten years, it has been able to gather the trust of investors quite successfully. The low-cost investment and a minimum deposit make this company one of the best futures brokers in the industry.


Image from generictrade.com

The technology that the staff of this company utilizes is top-notch. The futures exchange methodology employed by it surely sets it apart from others. Hence, the utilization of the most reliable trading tool of this company makes it one of the most trustable brokers even for experienced traders.

Allowing the investors to invest as minimum as required aids them in getting into mutual funds as well. It uses the best trading tools out there to manage its mutual funds, aiding the investors in getting the best out of them.

The retail investor accounts always flourish with the efforts put in by the staff of this broker company. Commission set by the company is also quite low compared to the level of reliability it offers to its futures exchange clients. With only 59 cents as the futures trading commissions, this company can be considered to be one of the lowest charging firms.

The Verdict

The Verdict

Considering the fact that Generic trade has been in the market for more than ten years now, it is surely one of the best trading platforms to rely on. Still, it offers its futures and options contracts at minimal maintenance charges.


4) Ninjatrader Brokerage; for special services

Image from ninjatrader.com


If you are looking for a brokerage company that would offer you services just according to your exact needs and wants, Ninjatrader Brokerage is what you need to opt for.

It uses the trading tools just according to the demand of the client, without going too over the board by using them. Retail investors, no matter of crude oil or others, trust this company with their eyes closed.


Image from ninjatrader.com

Crude oil futures trading is one of the most lucrative ones, and Ninjatrader Brokerage staff has quite an experience in dealing with oil futures. Even if there is an underlying asset while dealing with the retail investor accounts, the staff is quite well versed in dealing with that as well. An underlying asset is usually difficult to manage, but surely not for the experts working in this company.

The services start off by letting the client analyze the market. The options trading method used by the company lets the clients turn into active traders by dealing with various brokerage options at a single point in time. Apart from this, the company doesn’t leave its clients in the lurch. Rather, it tests the trade first before actually executing it. This reduces the chances to lose money, no matter how big the investment is.

The experts working in this company are quite interactive. These interactive brokers ensure phone support as well as live chat to discuss the deal extensively with the clients. An emergency trade desk is also established by Ninjatrader Brokerage to offer exclusive services regarding futures contracts.

The Verdict

The Verdict
Image from ninjatrader.com

Thus, for anyone who needs special services customized just according to his needs, this futures broker is what he should opt for.


5) Interactive Brokers; for the strongest communication

Interactive Brokers
Image from interactivebrokers.com


What sets Interactive Brokers, compared to others, is that it comes with the lowest cost for its clients. The futures contract that the client signs with it has the least amount of remuneration. Thus, if an immature wants to venture into the futures market for the first time ever, it’s better not to spend way too much on it. This makes the company the best futures broker for newbies.


Image from interactivebrokers.com

The fact that this company offers extensive communication possibilities to the futures traders makes it even more reliable. From live chat to phone support, is always available for maximum aid. These advanced traders ensure to solve the issues faced by the traders soonest possible, hence they are deemed to be one of the most interactive brokers out there. They surely have a good know-how of the stock market and are well aware of the trading cfds.

Interactive brokers being a great trading platform gives the perfect opportunity to its clients to make retail investor accounts. These accounts help the clients in dealing with all kinds of currencies and funds. At the same time, stocks and bonds can be trading by utilizing a minimum deposit.

The low-cost option lets them go for penny stocks as well, providing a brokerage account that deals only with them. Numerous types of currencies can be traded using one brokerage account, which is exclusively monitored by the expert staff itself.

The Verdict

The Verdict
Image from interactivebrokers.com

The company offers its clients access to a wide range of trading tools. This access is also free of cost. Alongside this, various educational resources are also available, which tend to augment the know-how of the trader, making it easier for him to interpret futures prices. They also help him in learning how to read a financial instrument to manage his finances in a better manner.

The company also offers numerous online sources to manage forex trading.


6) TD Ameritrade; easy mobile features

TD Ameritrade
Image from tdameritrade.com


TD Ameritrade combines trading and educating, making it one of the most sought after brokers in the business. The associates working in it are highly experienced, which often offer asset classes, educating the traders about the trading tools. Td Ameritrade turns a new investor into an experienced one by offering it the much-needed tricks and tips.


Image from tdameritrade.com

In case you are looking for a forex broker that doesn’t cost a sky-rocketing fee, you can opt for this one quite easily. This is owing to the fact that it comes with commission-free online trading, offering its clients quite an easy and reliable way of venturing into futures trading. At the same time, there are no hidden fees to eventually enhance the amount you have to pay in actuality. The deposit minimum is also not there, which let the investor even spend the least amount of money, ensuring TD Ameritrade to be the most reliable one to opt for.

Apart from the minimum deposit not being required, the trading in long term is also one major point why TD Ameritrade can be considered as one of the best brokers out there. It aids in investing for a long period of time, leaving the investor with a lot of profit. The tools used by the experts are highly advanced and innovative, leaving no chance of any kind of loss incurred to the investors. It lets them make much more informed decisions, letting them make more lucrative choices. Thus, the investor ends up being a lot smarter than the one who deals in forex without taking help from any trading platform.

Plenty of options are available at TD Ameritrade, and the investor is able to choose whatever he deems best in terms of stocks and manage the portfolio in whichever manner he wants it done. The information offered by the staff at TD Ameritrade is mostly backed by the CNBC streaming and the experience of experts who have been in the business for many years.

The Verdict

The Verdict
Image from tdameritrade.com

This is one of the most interactive trading platforms, and the instant communication power that it offers to investors makes it one of the best futures trading platforms available to sign futures contracts.


7) Tradovate; for the highest level of activity

Image from tradovate.com


Tradovate is a brokers company that is suitable for those who deem to stay active in the stock market at all times. Those who like to have shares spread across all the segments of the market can get their hands on the deals offered by Tradovato. The company surely offers futures trading that is extremely interactive and has the highest level of activity for all its clients. At the same time, it gives its clients the ability to take the charge of their finances in every form and manner. Hence, considering all these features, Tradovate is one of the best futures brokers available for investors.


Image from tradovate.com

No matter you are an old, experienced investor or a new, immature one, Tradovate has got you covered. The kind of futures trading that it offers gives the maximum level of education and knowledge to the investor. Having higher visibility of the market and an ability to use the trading tools, investors are able to make the futures contract in the most efficient manner possible. Alongside this, the customer support that the company offers is also quite top-notch. As the service providers are available 24/7 for consultations and advice through phone support, taking immediate decisions gets easier. Live chat also works in the same manner and supports the investors completely. Hence, the trading gets smooth and extremely secure for all the investors linked with this futures trading platform.

This trading platform also allows traders to make their own online accounts. The commodity futures, as well as futures contracts, can easily be managed through this online account. The company also offers varied various investment choices to the investors. From stocks to mutual funds and from ETFs to bonds, it helps in managing all kinds of investments quite smoothly. A single account is made for all of them each of them can be managed through it. The future date of investment can also come along for all of them separately.

Tradoveto also has an online resource system, which makes things much clearer. For the new newbies who do not have much idea about investment plans and futures trading, these online education systems help a lot. This trading platform hence doesn’t only offer instant support but also aids in making a resource for the long term.

The Verdict

The Verdict
Image from tradovate.com

Once you are able to understand the trade futures completely, you can invest all by yourself. Now you won’t be needing constant support. Rather, with minimal customer support, you will be able to enter into futures contracts yourself. Nonetheless, all these features combine to make this company the best trading platform available for investors.


8) E-trade; for better knowledge

Image from us.etrade.com


What’s better than a trading platform that educates traders and investors? E-trade is a brokerage firm that offers the most extensive study and educational resources to its investors.


Image from us.etrade.com

The trade futures get extremely easy to manage with the help of these study resources. Hence, one can say that it is one of the very few educational futures trading platforms working for investors.

Alongside this, E-trade offers various accounts to investors. If you are opting for general trading, you would require to pay an amount of around 500$ for the minimum deposit. For most investors, this is the best futures broker deposit as it is quite low compared to others. Also, you will have to pay a very less amount per contract.

On the other hand, if you are looking for an active trading acting, your minimum deposit would be around 100$. Nonetheless, it is also quite low as compared to various other trade futures brokers. Hence, futures contracts come in varied manners for the investors, considering the amount of money they pay to get their hands on the contract. Obviously, the per contract amount would also be higher.

This trading platform works in quite a simple manner that is easy to understand for the investors. Its monetization occurs in the order flow. This means that as the investor gives a nod, the futures traders send buying orders in the market for instant execution. As a result, the firm gets its hand on the compensation, and the trade moves ahead. interest income is then generated when the customer borrows some money to buy further stocks. It also executes futures contracts quite efficiently.

The Verdict

The Verdict
Image from us.etrade.com

Being quite simple to understand and easy to comprehend, this is surely the best futures trading platform available to newbie investors.


9) Trade zero: with the most amount of features

Trade zero
Image from tradezero.co


Trade zero is considered to be quite a reliable futures trading platform for many of its features. First and foremost, it is an ideal brokerage firm for active investors. All those investors who try to stay active in the stock market ideally go for trade zero.


Image from tradezero.co

What makes this company a reliable futures trading platform is its commission-free software that offers extremely secure trading. This security comes from the decisions that are taking by keeping in mind the real-time value of the stock. The futures contracts offered by this company make the lives of active investors quite stress-free. They are able to spread across the investment market in the most efficient manner and make as many deals as they deem fit.

The company comes with the feature of real-time streaming. Through this feature, investors are able to stream the online platforms and make deals accordingly. This way they can trade using any device that they have and from any place in the World. The customer support by these futures traders is also quite efficient. The service providers are available 24/7 and answer the questions asked by investors at any point in time. Hence, the per contract success rate also augments.

The shortlisting services by this futures trading platform are also quite impressive. They make daily shortlists that help in locating the stocks efficiently. For short selling, these stock listings are extremely workable and usable. The pending patents are also located by the service providers.

The Verdict

The Verdict
Image from tradezero.co

Hence, if the traders and investors want to sell off the assets and make instant money easily. This ease of adding more money into the investment makes trade futures deals a lot more convenient. Therefore, it is rightly said that in the futures markets, this company aids the investors in the best possible manner.


Deciding the Cost

Deciding the Cost
Image from pexels.com

While choosing futures traders, the most important thing to consider is the cost at which the futures contract is to be signed. The execution cost should always be the foremost thing you think about before you, as an investor, sign the futures contract. This is a rather significant thing to be aware of especially if you are a day trader. A day trader makes various deals in a day and is quite an active trader. Hence, he has to pay a lot as the futures contract adds up, making the cumulative amount quite high.

The best futures broker, in such a case, is the one that offers the least bid for each contract. However, there are many kinds of payments that one has to make in order to have the futures traders services. These include the brokerage commission, out routing fee, exchange fee as well as clearance merchants fee.

Nonetheless, when it comes to choosing a trade futures broker, bear in mind the overall cost is the most important thing to keep in consideration, especially the per-contract fee.

Following discipline

Once an investor gets used to following some discipline in trading, he gets to make major profits with the help of reliable futures traders. The best futures trading platform is surely the one that teaches discipline to the trader. It helps in keeping things under control and ensuring nothing leads to the loss in the stocks. One leading example of this is the Chicago mercantile exchange. It offers its services in a set manner and method, providing its clients with an opportunity to earn major bucks by following suit.

Furthermore, instant contact through live chat also ensures that the broker is able to stay in line with the disciplinary ways of action. Apart from this one, other brokers keep a good check on the rule-following. Australian securities companies are one prime example of this phenomenon. If a broker keeps augmenting its per contract fee without intimating you beforehand, he is surely going against the set discipline.

Ease of signing up

Another major thing to consider while deciding upon a futures trader to choose is the ease with which one can become a part of it. A lot of times, it gets really tough to be a part of one, as it has loads of documentation and lineups to meet. On the other hand, various Australian securities provide traders with an opportunity to become a part of their brokerage companies with easy signup procedures and minimal futures contract signing requirements. They have even reduced the per-contract fee, ensuring that as many investors as possible may become a part of it. This idea of a low fee per contract has given an opportunity to hundreds of investors to trust the Australian securities brokerage firms. An online software helps in an easy sign-up, leading to easy to connect procedures. A virtual trading account, furthermore, aids the investor in using the tools in the most efficient manner possible.


Futures traders have, in the past, been able to make some extremely lucrative deals by choosing the right brokers at the right time. They offer futures trading services and keep the investors engaged completely. Optimus Futures, for instance, has helped a lot of investors by offering them extremely low per contract remuneration, while giving them the best output of their choices in futures contract and deals.

Other futures brokers have also offered easy sign-ups and educational materials to aid the traders in understanding the working of trading CFDs. Hence, to be able to invest constantly and without any loss, choosing the right futures contract broker is a must!


The post 9 Best Futures Brokers For 2021! appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

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