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Easy-to-Start Business Ideas for Budding Entrepreneurs

Featured image by fotogestoeber

It is every budding entrepreneur’s dream to become a business tycoon one day. However, starting a business these days, especially in the pandemic era, is not easy. So why not start simply with one of the following easy-to-start part-time business ideas?

Help Yourself to Some Easy-to-Start Part-Time Business Ideas

You can start any one of the business ideas in this article without investing much money and time. In fact, some require little to no cash if you already have the appropriate equipment on hand.

However, be forewarned: None of these business ideas is a get-rich-quick scheme. Instead, these low-cost, less time-consuming business ideas will give you the chance to become your own boss over time. In the process, you will gain some much-needed business skills and knowledge.

So with that in mind, consider the following easy-to-start part-time business ideas:

Become an Online Reseller

Statistics suggest a 44 percent rise in online shopping during the pandemic. This trend appears to be continuing as we rapidly approach the early months of 2022. So take advantage of this situation by becoming an online reseller. Such a business idea is perfect for entrepreneurs who are looking for a part-time business while investing as little money and time as possible.

Your new easy-to-start business will allow you to help other people earn money, too, since you will sell for them the items they no longer use. Meanwhile, you will also profit.

Your business model can be as simple as buying stuff directly from the consumer and selling it for them at a nice profit margin. Plus, some basic marketing skills, and you’ll be ready to earn big bucks.


In the end, all you will require is some professional business knowledge. This is something that an online MBA degree will equip you with. Most of these programs don’t even require the dreaded GMAT. Moreover, online programs come with a built-in flexibility that allows learners to move through the coursework at their own pace. Such a structure will give you the freedom you to get the most out of your degree program.

Offer Culinary Classes

People love to drink and eat. That’s obvious. What’s more, they’re always searching for unique cocktails and dishes to try. So if you’ve mastered the art of cooking as a hobby or you have a culinary background, consider sharing your knowledge about food with the world. With a part-time gig like this, you could easily make a quick buck. The first step is to offer online cooking classes via Skype or Zoom.

As your online classes slowly grow, you can move on to opening a café. Or you could join an institute where you can provide hands-on culinary training to individuals.


Such a business idea is also perfect for entrepreneurs who have a bartending background. After all, people love to make their drinks and cocktails unique and colorful by trying new recipes. Then again, you can offer these recipes online through a simple website or by vlogging on YouTube.

And if your business takes off, you can partner up with local distilleries to create your own brand of alcoholic beverages.

Become a Professional App Developer

The COVID-19 pandemic caught many businesses off guard. Many business owners soon found that their only recourse was to find online solutions. Many migrated their business operations from brick-and-mortar operations to online websites and mobile apps.

App developers provided these businesses with the tools necessary to adjust to the digital realm. Various innovative apps allowed them to reach and serve their customers. As a result, the market for service, delivery, on-demand shopping apps increased tenfold. What’s more, the app development industry and is all set to grow in the foreseeable future. So if you know your way around app development at all, this could be an easy-to-start venture for you.

After all, nearly 90 percent of all US citizens spend most of their smartphone screen time on apps. Moreover, industry watchers believe mobile revenue will grow to more than $900 billion by the end of 2023. So consider capitalizing on this trend by designing apps to provide businesses with customized branded mobile experiences, especially if you have a background in app development.

Provide Part-Time Accounting Services

Many entrepreneurs and business owners have experienced difficult times through 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. While some improved their fortunes, some needed innovative solutions to ensure their small businesses kept their finances in order.

If you have an educational background as a certified public accountant (CPA) and have a keen eye for discovering untapped resources, many business owners are in dire need of your financial expertise. Whether you provide online services or face-to-face financial advice, offering accounting services is a surefire way to make good money in our pandemic-ridden world.

Become a Home Improvement Contractor

The home improvement industry has also seen a significant rise because of the COVID-19 pandemic. When governments and healthcare institutes urged everyone to stay inside their homes, people kept themselves busy by taking on home improvement projects. They built play areas for their children or renovated unutilized rooms for office space. They looked for ways to improve their homes’ value or make them more beautiful or comfortable.

For these reasons, home improvement contractors are in great demand these days. Now is the time to capitalize on the situation and offer your handyman and home improvement services and knowledge to homeowners in your area. You might even want to specialize in reaching out to the members of the remote workforce who want a comfortable and private place to work inside their homes.

Sell Wellness and Fitness Programs

The COVID-19 pandemic forced people to stay inside and work from their homes for more than a year. Unfortunately, this is set to continue for the foreseeable future.

Now, combine this with the anxiety and stress that stems from the pandemic. You will have yourself a recipe for disaster. People were no longer able to work out and keep themselves fit. People also drank more alcohol to deal with the stress, and depression set in. In short, they stopped taking care of their bodies in general.

People need some motivation to overcome their pandemic health slump, and you can be the one to motivate them. So if you have a background in wellness, exercise, and health, use the power of content creation to help people improve their health. Articles and blogs are excellent for sharing your fitness knowledge and workout routines. Let people know they can easily do these routines in the comfort of their own homes.

Once you build a dedicated following with your part-time content creation business, you can provide your audience with personalized diets and workouts. This will enable you to start earning a steady income from doing something you love.

Take One of These Easy-to-Start Part-Time Business Ideas and Run with It

So, there you go. These are some easy-to-start part-time business ideas for budding entrepreneurs who want to earn money on the side.

While you can’t expect to make thousands of dollars from the business ideas mentioned here, they will allow you to utilize your time more effectively and make some money in the process. Additionally, you’ll be acquiring the wisdom and skills you need to launch your big dream business someday.

On the other hand, who knows? One of these ideas might do the trick for you. If it does, then the sky is the limit as far as your earning potential goes!

The post Easy-to-Start Business Ideas for Budding Entrepreneurs appeared first on Business Opportunities.

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