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Injured on the Job in Chicago? Here’s What to Do

Featured image by Mikael Blomkvist via Pexels

If one of your workers has been injured on the job in Chicago, share this article with them. It can help them get the compensation they deserve.


Workers’ compensation is a system that provides financial benefits to workers who sustain an injury on the job or who become ill as a result of their job duties. To be eligible for these benefits, you must have gotten injured while performing your duties as an employee of your employer. Also, you must have had coverage with workers’ compensation insurance at the time of injury. Injured workers may be able to receive medical treatment and lost income payments while they recover from their injuries.

In most cases, employers in Illinois must carry workers’ compensation insurance coverage for all employees who work more than 40 hours per week or earn more than $100 per month in wages (for example, hourly employees). If an employer fails or refuses to provide this coverage, they can face fines of up to one million dollars per violation!

Know What to Do After an Injury or Illness

Report the injury. When you have been injured on the job, report your injury to your employer immediately after it happens (or your illness after diagnosis). Do this even if you don’t think your injury or illness is serious. Your employer has a legal obligation to make sure you get medical attention. They must also keep accurate records of all injuries on the job. If they don’t follow this procedure, they may not be able to defend themselves against any claims made later by workers who are injured in similar ways.

Seek medical attention right away if necessary. If there are signs of serious injury or illness (such as bleeding), go straightaway to see a doctor. Alternatively, go to an emergency room or an urgent care facility nearby—even if it means taking time off work. You must receive proper treatment so that a professional can diagnose any potentially serious health problems early on before they become worse.

File a claim with your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier once you, your employer, and your healthcare provider have followed all procedures correctly. This process usually involves filling out forms stating what happened during each incident. For example, you will need to describe what happened, as well as where and when the accident occurred. It may also require witness statements if anyone else was nearby.


Should You Hire a Lawyer If You Have Been Injured on the Job?

Handling a worker’s comp claim alone can be difficult for many people. This is especially true of those who lack knowledge about employee rights. These are people who might not know what they can expect from an employer’s insurance company.

To be on the safe side, you should contact a personal injury lawyer should you be injured on the job. A lawyer will help you understand your options. They will help you protect your rights so that you get the compensation you deserve under Illinois law. Be sure to let your employer know you are hiring a lawyer to help with paperwork and deadlines. Then, let your lawyer handle the rest.

What Should You Do If You’re Injured on the Job and Your Claim is Denied?

If your claim is denied, don’t give up. You still have options.

Appeal the Decision

Your lawyer will file an appeal with the Workers’ Compensation Commission within 30 days of receiving notice of denial. The commission will review the case and make a determination based on all available evidence. You can appeal all the way up to the Illinois Supreme Court when you have been injured on the job.

File for Reconsideration

If you need more time to collect evidence or prepare for a hearing, ask for it by filing a request for reconsideration with your employer’s insurance company (or its representative). This process can take several months—and sometimes even longer if there are disputes over whether certain documents are admissible in court proceedings. However, if you’re believe you should and you have solid legal representation, there’s no reason why your case shouldn’t eventually go before an administrative judge at some point down the line.

Why Should You Hire an Attorney When You Have Been Injured on the Job?

They Will Help You Avoid Common Mistakes

A lawyer will help you avoid common mistakes. After all, there is a lot to do before you can file a claim and get compensation for your injuries. Here are some common mistakes people make. These are easy mistakes to make when you’re trying to recover from being injured on the job:

You Won’t Miss Deadlines

If you’re injured on the job, a statute of limitations applies. This means that if you don’t file your claim within the proper time frame, it may not be possible for even an attorney to help you get what’s owed!

You’ll Guided to Provide All the Evidence

You need to provide copies of any medical records that relate to any treatment you received after being injured on the job. You should also have photos of the injury directly after it occurs and in the days following. Consider a recovery journal detailing your symptoms, medications, and how the injury or illness affects daily life. An attorney can help you prepare for your worker’s compensation hearing or appeal hearing by collecting evidence and expert testimony.

You Won’t Be Tricked by the Insurance Carrier When You’ve Been Injured on the Job

Some carriers will try to minimize their responsibility for your payments by getting you to sign messy contracts or lowballing their offer for coverage. Hiring a lawyer means you have an expert to calculate how much you are owed.

Your Attorney Will Protect You from Unfair Offers

Insurance companies and their adjusters are all about protecting their bottom line. Often, insurance will try and lowball someone to settle the matter with the least cost. Contact your lawyer specializing in workers’ compensation claims before accepting any settlement offer from the insurance company— even if it seems fair at first glance!

They Will Represent You Before the Commission or in Court

If negotiations fail and you still think that justice has yet to be served, then file an appeal with the Illinois Department of Labor’s Bureau of Administrative Hearings within 30 days of receiving notice of their decision on your case. Your lawyer will represent you, presenting the evidence you gathered and calling on expert testimony from medical professionals. Your lawyer will also ensure that you understand the process.

They Know How to Negotiate Settlement Agreements

Settlement agreements are a great way to avoid a lengthy trial. They also allow you to get your money in one lump sum payment rather than getting it over time through workers’ compensation or other benefits. Finally, they can help prevent future legal claims from arising if both parties agree on terms that resolve all outstanding issues between them. If your employer’s insurance wants to settle, put them in touch with your lawyer.


The post Injured on the Job in Chicago? Here’s What to Do appeared first on Business Opportunities.

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